Already April, I had a glimpse of japanese auctions some days ago, they provided a free system fee to seller just 2 days, so I started selling my some stuffs again as I used to.
But the system was changed very much, I can’t explain it’s good or not though I putted some big stuffs like video recorder or pair of speaker on there, it made me sort of tired.
I surprised that they had also English system these days.
It seems that the auction provide seller 10 count of free auction fee until Jun., so I think I put something on the auction bit by bit.
(Japanese biggerst auction takes monthly fee each month if even we don’t use auction though I had’nt stop the account while I stayed at New zealand that they took the fee automatically, that’s why I have to get the money back from them :<)
From start of April I had something on my mind, I went to book store today then it gave me cheer to leran some languages.
Well, I’m gonna do! it’s not late!
Green ones are Chinese, English and Spanish texts.
The different left one is fortune-book I buy it every year.
It is the one book I brought it to New zealand with me.
(I should have brought English one:P )
There, how splendid I’ll be able to make this year!